Night by Elie Wiesel | Teen Ink

Night by Elie Wiesel

May 8, 2014
By Diana Morocho BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
Diana Morocho BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
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Every day there is a combat to face. No matter how old you are, you still must face the battles life brings you. At the moment you least expect something stumbles onto something in your path. Night by Elie Wiesel takes place in 1938, when Hitler ordered the killing of Jews. This autobiography speaks of the hardships Jews faced during World War II. The book is written in depth, and it’s also sad and dramatic because the protagonist expresses the emotions he felt when he was in the concentration camps.

As I read Night, I felt sympathy for the Jews who suffered a lot and I was able to place myself in Elie’s shoes. Each and every word helped me visualize what I was reading. One example of imagery in the book is when Eliezer talks about his friend getting caught and killed in a room where a blazing fire and smoke spread all over the camp. This is also one of my favorite parts because I like books that are vivid, realistic and help me picture what is happening in the story.
Author Elie Wiesel, a man who won a Nobel Peace Prize for his books. Elie is also well known for all his fiction and nonfiction books. He was born in 1928 in the town of Sighetu Marmatiei in Romania. Elie Wiesel, 85, is one of the persons who survived the many hardships the Jews endured during the Holocaust. He is a winner as a novelist, a journalist and a human rights activist.

The theme of the book Night is “never back down.” No matter how tough Elie’s life was or how much he suffered, he kept going. Elie didn’t let the problems he faced get the best of him and he was able to move on.
I would recommend this novel to teens who are interested in books that examine the struggles Jews faced and how much they suffered, such as The Kid With the Striped Pajamas and The Boy Who Dared. I would also recommend this book to teens who love reading autobiographies.


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