Bloody Jack: Being An Account of the Curious Adventures of Mary “Jacky” Fab by LA Meyer | Teen Ink

Bloody Jack: Being An Account of the Curious Adventures of Mary “Jacky” Fab by LA Meyer

May 10, 2014
By Student-of-a-Jedi BRONZE, Kenai, Alaska
Student-of-a-Jedi BRONZE, Kenai, Alaska
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Warning: All readers will crave this book as they see the adventures unfold for dear little Jacky! Bloody Jack contains thrillers of pirates, suspension, love, hope, determination, mystery, and so much more! I personally do not care for pirate or sea based books, but Bloody Jack has changed my perspective. This book is more than just a book of sea stories, but the mysterious life of Jacky. Jacky starts off as a homeless orphan living on the streets of England, when she decides to go onto the H.M.S Dolphin ship, to escape her miserable life! The only problem is she has to be a boy! Even though this was physically impossible for Jacky, she managed to disguise herself enough to look as if she was an actual boy! Her life of adventure begins from there. From pirate shootings, ship battles, friendship making, and even loving occurring, Jacky no longer sees herself as a homeless orphan. She finally determines her own future with the life of adventure!
With such positive feedback, it is pretty clear that I would rat this at 5 stars! This book contains so much detail, that I wasn’t able to place the book down when reading it. Some moments I would tear up, while other times my skin would start to shiver. Then before I knew it my eyes would start to bulge because of the suspense. The story line of this book was spot on! I was so obsessed with it like I was with Jacob in Twilight! And that says a lot!!


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