Mocking jay by Suzanne collins | Teen Ink

Mocking jay by Suzanne collins

May 14, 2014
By Jimmy O&#39Toole BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Jimmy O&#39Toole BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

MockingJay by Suzanne Collins

Did you read the first two Hunger Games books? Did you see the movies? Did you like them?
I liked the the first two books, Hunger Games and Catching Fire a lot. However, the third, and final book in the series, Mockingjay, was not the best book in this trilogy. Mockingjay, a book published by Scholastic Press in 2010, was written by Suzanne Collins. All three books in her trilogy are dystopian, fiction books. The main theme of Mockingjay is survival and that good eventually wins over evil.
The main events in the whole series are teenagers competing in yearly hunger games as entertainment for the wealthy people that lived in the capital. The president of all the districts, President Snow, ordered that the games take place once a year. In Mockingjay, the main character, Katniss, is being punished for breaking the main TV screen that televised the games. She did this at the end of the second book, Catching Fire. The president decided to teach her a lesson by bombing District 12, her home district. Peeta and her family were helped by her friend, Gale, during the bombing and escaped to another district. Katniss decides to lead a rebellion against President Snow and his games. She even gets help from some of the president’s key men.

I was not to happy with the first couple chapters in this book because they were too boring. They didn't interest me and it made it hard to want to read on. The first part of this book was just talking about how she went back to visit her district after the capital bombing, District 12, and wondering if Peta was still alive. Throughout the book it started to grab my attention a little more. Then, at the end of the book, I ended up liking how the events turned out and there was more action. Good did win over evil! But we never find out what happens to the society after that.

This might be a hard book for people to read. Children and teenagers are getting killed by the president and some are even killing each other! These events happened in all 3 of the books. That could be upsetting to some people. This did not really bother me but it’s what created the action that held my interest!


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