The Fault In Our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

August 19, 2014
By SiennaD BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
SiennaD BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments


The Fault In Our Stars

“I’m on a roller coaster that only goes up my friend.”

By: John Green


Hazel Grace Lancaster (a 16 year old girl who had cancer since she was 13 years old) was diagnosed with a type of thyroid cancer that formed in her lungs, and because of that she is forced to wheel around an oxygen tank to help her breathe. She was pulled out of school when she was diagnosed with cancer and has been at home since then; watching America’s Next Top Model and rereading “The Imperial Affliction,” until her mother thinks that she?s depressed and needs to go to a support group. While she was at the support group  she meets this guy named Augustus Waters. Augustus is 17 years old and he had osteosarcoma, a type of bone cancer, and because of it he had to have his leg amputated. After he his procedure, he was determined cancer free. They end up talking after the support group and head to Augustus house to watch a movie. That night Hazel ended up telling Augustus about her favorite book, “An Imperial Affection”. Augustus agrees to read it so he can see Hazel Grace more often. When their relationship starts to progress Augustus decides to use his one cancer wish with the, “Genies”, to take Hazel Grace and her mother to meet their favorite author, Peter Van Houten who lives in Amsterdam. The only problem is right before their plan to leave Hazel gets a major pain in her head and is then admitted into the hospital with a serious case of pneumonia. After she is released from the hospital she realizes how strongly her love for Augustus is and after some consultation with her doctors, she was cleared to travel to Amsterdam. On the first night that they get there, Augustus and Hazel got to go to a fancy restaurant with their meals completely paid for courtesy of Peter Van Houten. The next day they got to meet Mr. Van Houten and realized that he?s a total jerk and doesn?t like teenagers. Augustus finds out that his cancer has returned and tells Hazel. Will Augustus survive cancer for the second time?  

It is really cool how Hazel handles her life and her story inspires me so much. I strongly recommend this book to you.





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