Heat by Mike Lupica by Mike Lupica | Teen Ink

Heat by Mike Lupica by Mike Lupica

September 2, 2014
By GELynch BRONZE, South Charleston, West Virginia
GELynch BRONZE, South Charleston, West Virginia
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            Heat was the best sports book I've ever read! This book was written by Mike Lupica. Heat is about man vs life because of what situation Michael and Carlos are in. Michael Arroyo is the main character and Carlos is his brother but Carlos isn't mention as many times as Michael, Carlos is usually working or out somewhere. They face a lot of problems and they figure out how to solve them together. They make friends that are very important to the story though out the book.

            This book’s target age is twelve to eight-teen years old. The information fits the age group perfectly because most of the characters are in that age group or they are close to it. I think that a lot of kids in that age group will like Heat because a lot of kids in that age group mostly play on a travel baseball team or they play baseball for their school. I love baseball and I have been playing baseball for about seven years now. 

            Mike Lupica has emotion but not too much or too little. Every character has emotion but not too much or too little of it throughout the whole book. Some characters get better, worse, or stays the same. Michael has emotion but not too much or too little, he is never dramatic in any situation of the book. They’re a few character that are dramatic but I won’t tell you who they are. Also, you will have to find the issues in the book yourself as well. You will have a great time reading Heat!

            Heat is a well-organized book. All the events go great, the characters background seems real, and I can picture all the events in my mind clearly. Also, you won’t have to read this book twice to understand it. Michael is twelve years old and he plays baseball for a team in South Bronx, New York. Michael and Carlos’s problems get worse and worse throughout the book. Sometimes the issue involves just one of them, but they work together and solve them one way or another by using friends and each other. Those people made him or broke him in his situations. You will have to find that out if Michael and Carlos figure out their issues and don’t get caught.

            This book is a best seller and that is easy to tell if you read the book because it’s such a great book to read. If I were to rate this book out of five stars, it would be a five out of five stars. I would recommend this book to everyone and especially people who know how to play the game of baseball. All Michael’s problems aren't the same every time. I guarantee you will really enjoy reading Heat. 


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