City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandre Clare | Teen Ink

City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandre Clare

September 11, 2014
By CelticWriter SILVER, Saratoga Springs, New York
CelticWriter SILVER, Saratoga Springs, New York
6 articles 3 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I am haunted by humans", Death, the Book Thief

This review is a bit overdue, but I have been slightly busy since I finished the book (family, vacations, and all that). If you did not see my description and have not finished Cassandre Clare's City of Heavenly Fire, finish the book, then read this.

I heard about City of Heavenly Fire's release while I was in the middle of City of Fallen Angels or Lost Souls. When I saw it was the sixth and final installment of The Mortal Instruments series, I was excited and sad. I The Mortal Instruments first appeared to me in seventh grade, when one of my classmates was reading the first book. At the time, I did not think about it much, save that she (said classmate) said that one of the characters (Simon Lewis) played Dungeons and Dragons. The Mortal Instruments reappeared in the summer of 2013, in the trailer for the City of Bones. I became interested in the movie and thought about seeing it, but I wanted to read the book first. I had asked my parents to get the book a tad bit too late after seeing the trailer, because I was going to go to summer camp for a while. Again, The Mortal Instruments disappeared for a while, not as long this time. I finally got City of Bones in early September of 2013 and read through the first hundred pages, as the reviews said “prepare to be hooked”.

I fell in love with the characters (Clary mainly) and hated the antagonists with a passion. I hated Jace Herondale for a time as well, though, when he showed his selfless hero side, I respected him. But after a while, I started shipping Clace (the Ship name for Clary and Jace).

Sorry, I'm gabbing, onto CoHF.


City of Heavenly Fire was written well, as was Clare's previous books. The scenes and situations were well described and filled with true emotion. I was not let down by this epic ending, though to me the deaths seemed anticlimactic. The only “death” I really cried at was when Magnus Bane the Warlock was nearly killed. Sebastian and Johnathan's death left me with an aching wonder about who Johnathan really was. When Simon's memories were taken away, I thought he would never remember his best friend Clary, but Clare allowed her fans to rest easy as Magnus and the Shadowhunters helped Simon put his past back together, piece by piece. In the end, when everyone was by the pond at Luke's farm it was like the meeting of couples, basking in the feeling that they lived through literal Hell and can share the story. It is now time to say goodbye and make way for a new generation.


I thought that City of Heavenly Fire would make me break down and cry, but I did not. When it was over, I thought of it as one of the best adventures I have ever been on. I hated Sebastian but I wish I could have known more about Johnathan, it was actually sad to see him die. I also had hoped to see Clary and Jace get married, but I'm still waiting for their wedding.

The author's comments:

(Contains Spoilers) I first came into the Mortal Instruments many months before the final book, by the time City of Heavenly Fire came out I had finished every written Shadowhunter book to date.  Here is my review on the end.


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