The Lost Boy by Dave Peizer | Teen Ink

The Lost Boy by Dave Peizer

November 20, 2014
By TeAra Webber BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
TeAra Webber BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Can you imagine ever being beaten by your mother? Sounds painful. Would you run away or just let it happen? I would run away every chance I got!

A young boy named David is on the search for love. But going from foster home to foster home, can he find love? I love the story because you can actually picture everything that happens in your mind. Can you imagine your mother telling you to get out of the house? Well, it happened to David. “’Get out! I never loved you!’ Mother screeches. ‘I don’t want you! Get the hell out of my house!’”
I love this book because it has so many strengths. Some strength is that the book goes in to very good details and description. Also this book is very touching and meaningful. It will have you crying in a heartbeat (in a good way though.)I personally recommend everyone to read this also gives readers a massage. I say this because it teaches people about being grateful, because even though people are less fortunate than you are, you don’t have to talk about them or disrespect them because you never know what’s going on in their lives. There are some weakness is the story doesn’t really go in to a lot of background. It doesn’t really tell you what happened in the past. Until the end it tells what you’re going to be confused. Also the book is in first person. So we get to hear story David’s.

Overall to me this book is one of the best I have read so far. Just make sure that you have an open heart when you read this book.You should know that, if you don’t like all that domestic violence than you might want to rethink reading the book. But please read it!         

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