The Clique | Teen Ink

The Clique

November 20, 2014
By AlayahF. BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
AlayahF. BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Clique /Lisi Harrison
17th Street Productions and Alloy Company, 2004,220 pp.
Young Adult Fiction/Drama

Have you ever been in a clique or heard about one in your School? Well this book is about one of those classy but not trashy girls and drama queens.

Massie Block, a glossy girl with her laser-whitened smile, is the boss of her clique. She attends to a private girls’ only school called Octavian Country Day School. Massie, born and raised in Westchester, New York, knows others would give her all your savings just to be like her and in her clique. Then, there’s Dylan Marvil, Massie’s true back up. Dylan she always on an Atkins Diets, but she has a huge secret to hide from everyone one but ends of spilling out. Next, there’s Alicia Rivera she’s very devious and tricky, but also very beautiful. She would love to steal Massie’s thunder one day, but she just might! Next up, Kristen Gregory she the smartest one in this clique and dedicated to getting a task done.  But I can say she as well very much an insulter, and she can insult you really quickly. Finally, Claire Lyons; she the new girl, but not so much a part of this clique she moved to Westchester from Florida and now living with Massie and their guest house. Adjusting to this new environment she has some incidents with the “clique”. Claire's arrival in town and admittance to Octavian Country Day middle school. This clique kind of gangs up on the new girl Claire like throwing food on her ignoring her and even hitting her . Massie continues to degrade and embarrass Claire even when Claire hasn’t done anything to bother her. Massie realizes Chris Abeley has a gorgeous girlfriend named Fawn. By the way Chris Abeley - a boy Massie met on her private trail and she thought he was cute. Massie starts liking Claire later on, but does Claire like Massie?
I thought that the author of The Clique really got want she wanted this book to be like, and I thought her purpose might be to show what actually happens sometimes in schools or cliques. I found this writing piece really powerful and actually really detailed. Some strengths and weaknesses of this book was me having to go back and reread some paragraphs or even pages to understand what’s going on at some points of the story. I also thought this book being extremely addictive and willing to read this book nonstop and didn’t want to put it down at all. But at some spots I thought it was a little dull but interesting. I would really recommend this book to 10-14 years old age wise.
My thoughts of this book made me block out any and everything around me I was so focused and wanted to read a second copy to finish the ending. I would like you to know that this book is really good and you should read it if you were interested in my book review.

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