Where the Heart Is by Billie Letts | Teen Ink

Where the Heart Is by Billie Letts

January 14, 2009
By Anonymous

Where the Heart is, by Billie Letts, is a heart-racing realistic fiction novel about a young seventeen-year old girl who ends up getting stranded by her unloving boyfriend at a Wal-mart in Oklahoma, seven months pregnant. Novalee Nation spent her days with her boyfriend Willy Jack, but on their way to California, Willy Jack decided he doesn't love her anymore. Novalee struggles to find her true home and place by herself in Oklahoma. After having her baby, Americus, in Wal-mart, Novalee discovers many friendships that would completely change her life. She didn't know these other amazing people would help her as much as they did.

Letts was precious about her situations to make this novel come to life. Letts also planted a picture in you mind, using creative describing words. The theme of this book I think was, the meaning of home and growing up, which are two big themes people can connect themselves to. I think that was a strong point in her writing. I strongly recommend this book to kids over twelve since it contains some language and some parts may be too adult for some kids to understand at a younger age than twelve. But, all in all I thought this book was great.


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