The Trial Of The Honorable F. Darcy by Sara Angelini | Teen Ink

The Trial Of The Honorable F. Darcy by Sara Angelini

June 11, 2015
By JazzyJazz SILVER, Sacramento, California 95822, California
JazzyJazz SILVER, Sacramento, California 95822, California
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Time never waits" - My Grandpa

“What happens in England stays in England, Darcy. It was a deal.” The Trials the Honorable F. Darcy is an adventurous story. There is much love in each part of this book. It will make you feel as if you are in it. So much love and hate relationship, each character takes a big role. The roles of each character will make you hate them but love them in each different moment. Even though they Elizabeth and Darcy are pulling a love and hate relationship it pulls you in the story even more.
Taking place in New York but the love is found in England. After meeting in a court room, Darcy falls for an attorney. Darcy is known for his cruelty decisions is the court room but the truth was, he just need a person in his life. Elizabeth who is always pressured by her mom to get married before she turns into her 40’s and gets too old. She hates it, she would choose her career over a man. But what happens when Honorable Darcy and Elizabeth meets?
    Elizabeth is a lawyer who wants her life stable and still, but the Honorable Darcy is just making it difficult for her. He will send people crying out of the court room or starts yelling at people if they are simply one minute late for a meeting. Each day of him meeting Elizabeth in the court, he falls for her more. He loves her curves and all her edges. Darcy finds it hard to even get at her, she declines all his great offers. Elizabeth’s younger sister (Jane) is dating Darcy’s Best Friend (Charlie). Charlie and Jane plans on going to a trip in England. Making a plan, Jane invites Elizabeth and Charlie invites Darcy. It was just a great idea for Darcy to go, he wanted to forget Elizabeth and forget how he much he likes her. As they meet up at England, shocked, Darcy was to see Elizabeth and she was too. The love story begins when they meet at that moment.
    This book is a great book to read when being bored, or if you just want a bit of romance in you. Also, this book is worth to read it. Why? The book is good because it has a great pull of feels. This was the first book where I pushed myself to finish it in a few days. Although I didn’t like how the main girl acts, she added more interest into the book. If you like romantic, comedy, and a little bit of too much of big houses and richness, this book is for you. From a rating from one to five, I give this book a 5.


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