Pure book 1 by Julianna Baggott | Teen Ink

Pure book 1 by Julianna Baggott

September 26, 2015
By Anonymous

      After Detonations the air was filled with dust and ash. The ground was dotted with puddles of black rain. Everything crumbled to the ground. Survivors were fused to their surroundings and each other. Those who took refuge in the Dome were the only ones left untouched.             
       Ten years later Pressia is turning 16. Now she is expected to turn herself into the OSR military to become a solder or be used for target practice. Now she starts running.
       Meanwhile, in the Dome Patridge is becoming suspicious of life in the Dome. He senses that his father knows more about his mother’s death then he’s revealing. When his father signs him up for extra coding, he decides to run away.
      Patridge and Pressia become friends. Together, they find answers and unlock new questions. Once they find happiness they’re world crumbles all over again.              


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