The Shadow Society by Marie Rutkoski | Teen Ink

The Shadow Society by Marie Rutkoski

November 22, 2015
By E_ppanda GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
E_ppanda GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

     It was the first day back at school and Darcy Jones was glad not to be the new girl. After being approached by Conn, the new guy at school, she began to remember memories that were a mystery to her. As her true identity is revealed, so are secrets that might just change her life forever. Marie Rutkoski’s novel, The Shadow Society, is a mix of thriller and romance that will not let you stop reading.
     In an alternate world called the Shadow Society, deadly, despicable creatures that resemble humans called shades dominate. However, they aren’t human. They don’t eat or drink. Their one weakness is fire, which can kill them. In this world, the Great Chicago fire never happened, which really took place at the time of October in 1871. In addition to the government, some citizens know about shades and that’s where the protagonist, Darcy Jones, comes in play.
     Darcy is an average teenage girl attending high school. ”Darcy is named after Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice,” the author explains in response to some questions found in the back of my book. Other students call her a freak but she’s actually a heroic girl who puts others before herself. However, Darcy is also ignorant, not realizing her foster mother cares about unlike her previous foster parents. She doesn’t remember anything from her past after being abandoned outside a Chicago firehouse when she was younger. Soon, Darcy begins to feel a mysterious attraction toward Conn but he is not the teenage high schooler she thinks he is. After being betrayed by Conn, she finds herself being sent by the government to the Shadow Society. I promise, Conn’s betrayal isn’t a spoiler.
     The Shadow Society can be finished in one day if you’re a fast reader but it isn’t a short book. The vocabulary Rutkoski uses isn’t childish nor is it easy. The whole book is told in first person through Darcy. HOwever, this may be a disadvantage as you are limited to only one character. “Nicely drawn Darcy comes across as a fully developed human, however intriguing her paranormal abilities. The author builds an engaging world, similar to the real Chicago but different enough to tantalize and keep interest high. Entertaining and provocative,” Kirkus Reviews praises. In addition, this book may not be for those who get uncomfortable by kiss scenes or cursing. In my opinion, it’s still a great book. The “Donn” ship (Donn and Darcy) will make readers like me who have mostly teen fiction or romance novels love this book. If you read this book you’ll be squealing like a schoolgirl from their sweet moments.
     Overall, The Shadow SOciety is a very well written book and isn’t full of clichés. It also has a great plot for those who like romance and mystery. Commence your journey with Darcy to find out her true identity. What is her identity? Will Darcy and COnn have their happy ending? Choose a day where you have nothing to do and answer these questions because it’s highly addictive.


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