Flowers for Algernon | Teen Ink

Flowers for Algernon

February 27, 2009
By Clareeeeee BRONZE, Stevenson, Washington
Clareeeeee BRONZE, Stevenson, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Putting that extra observation in,
Learning so much painful information,
Reading deeper than the lines,
You can discover so much in time.

Charly and Algernon,
They didn't get to live their happy lives,
It was devastation and non-existent pride.
A man who was like a wood figure,
He was used,
And what was really going on was beneath him

You learn that there's so few left,
That prefer to not lie,
And it makes you absorb that one strong thing,
Never in no ones life,
Should you hide.
So many make that mistake,
At one point everyone does.

During the end of it all,
The thoughts are strong,
And you learn,
Just don't hide from anyone,
And never will you know if you're making the wrong choice,
If the truth is covered up.


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