Confessions of the Sullivan Sisters by Natalie Standiford | Teen Ink

Confessions of the Sullivan Sisters by Natalie Standiford

March 2, 2017
By Anonymous

The book I’m going to be reviewing today is Confessions of the Sullivan Sisters by Natalie Standiford. The main character(s), Norrie the oldest sister, Jane, the middle sister, and Sassy the youngest sister are all writing a confession to their grandmother so she can leave her will when she passes away. This is a fictional book, it’s mixed with romance and humor.  The setting of this book is Baltimore, Maryland in modern times.


The major characters are the sisters. The whole book is the sisters confessing what they have done wrong, but, Sassy, the youngest turns to be the one that did the wrong. Norrie, the oldest sister is seventeen, Jane, the middle sister, is sixteen, and Sassy, the youngest of the sisters, is fifteen years old. Norrie, the oldest, to me seems to be lost in what she’s doing, but, she is very caring. Jane, the middle sister, is mischievous, she likes starting drama and likes to joke about lots of things. Sassy, the youngest sister, is quite in the other sister’s confessions, but wait til you hear her’s.

There are lots of other characters as the sisters confess. Like, for example, one of the most people Norrie spoke about was Brooks Overbeck, one of the most popular guys at her high school. Norrie and Brooks know each other because both their grandmothers have been friends for a long time. Norrie’s grandmother, Almighty Lou, expects Norrie to go to the traditional Bachelors Cotillon with Brooks.

The book all starts out with Norrie telling her confession, then Jane, and at the end Sassy. All sorts of interesting things happen in Norrie’s confession, like Norrie not wanting to go with Brooks to the Bachelors Cotillon because she’s falling for a guy in her night class that’s 25. The problem starts to get worse and she disappoints her grandmother, Almighty Lou. She later wants to run away with Robinson Pepper, the guy she meets in speed reading class. The problem is solved by her going through what she thought was wrong, and coming back to her family knowing that it was very wrong. The book ends with the last confession, Sassy’s, and Sassy’s confession was the one that Almighty was looking for. Finally, on New Year's Almighty takes out the envelope, which was the joke, Takey's confession, (the sister’s young brother) about how he was sorry for teasing Almighty’s dog. Later, Norrie gets a note from her grandmother saying the whole thing was a lie, she wasn’t going to lie, but she was happy for them to confess, but, she just wanted to see Sassy’s confession.

In my opinion, this book was really well written. The book really showed the perspective of a teenager’s. I think this book would be great for the ages of 13 and older. I think this because you really need to be mature to be reading about a teenage life.


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