This Lullaby | Teen Ink

This Lullaby

March 24, 2009
By Emros BRONZE, Brighton, Michigan
Emros BRONZE, Brighton, Michigan
3 articles 9 photos 0 comments

Eighteen year-old Remy and her friends are enjoying their last summer together. They leave for collage in a few months, and the last thing Remy expected was to fall in love. Remy spends most of this book pushing away rock musician Dexter away from her, knowing she would be leaving soon for Stanford. This Lullaby is a love story about a girl who has never had a real relationship, and the boy who changes that. She has never had a long-term, committed relationship, but Dexter wants to change that. Unlike her, Dexter is looking for commitment, not just a summer relationship.
Remy's mother has just married her 5th husband, and Remy has never known her father. Her father is a musician, like Dexter, and wrote the world famous song 'This lullaby' just for her. No one knows it was written for her, or the pain it causes her every time she hears her father's voice played on the radio. The song goes, ' Sarah Dessen captures her true emotions with this song- how much it hurts to hear his voice, and latter when Dexter and his band play the song at a concert. She hides most of her feelings to everyone, but this song brings out a more sensitive, emotional side of her.
Remy immediately does not want anything to do with this musician seeking such a serious relationship, she would much rather spend her time with her best friends, at parties all summer, but soon Dexter begins to grow on her, and she realizes she really likes him. Later, Dexter discovers how she views their relationship- as a short-term relationship that will end in September- he decides their relationship will not work. They spend some time apart- but she is heartbroken, and realizes she loves him, but does not know how to express it. "You know, when it works, love is pretty amazing. It's not overrated. There's a reason for all those songs." She finds herself understanding love more than ever. 'And I had a feeling that something big was going to happen. To both of us. That we were, in fact, meant to be together."
She ends up telling him how much she cares for him, and he visits her at Stanford and she visits him and his band on the road during the school year. This was a very interesting book. It was descriptive, relatable, and understandable. This romance novel tells the story of two different people with different views who end up falling in love with each other. It was as though Remy had two completely different personalities. The first side of Remy doesn't believe in love, is cold, and shows no emotion at all. Then, there is her other side- a girl who wants to find love, but her mother's example makes her think finding love is impossible. This novel tells of Remy's journey as a person, opening herself up to love.


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