Brain-Busting Lateral Thinking Puzzles | Teen Ink

Brain-Busting Lateral Thinking Puzzles

March 13, 2009
By Anonymous

The title of this book is Brain-Busting-Busting Lateral Thinking Puzzles. The author of this book are Paul Sloane and Des Machale. This book is actually not a story, but a series of brain teasing riddles. You have to think critically in order to solve them. These riddles are arranged from easy to difficult, and some are categorized by situations; for example, some may be in Gruesome Puzzles, Crime Puzzles, etc. This book has all the answers to every riddle and puzzle at the end of the book.

I would recommend this book to people who like to think critically and have an open mind. This is a good book because this will keep you busy anytime you open it. This also has examples of irony in many of the questions. This book will keep your mind twisted.


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