Risked | Teen Ink


June 7, 2017
By Lammert SILVER, Vauxhall, Alberta
Lammert SILVER, Vauxhall, Alberta
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This book is called Risked and the author of this book is Margaret Peterson Haddix. The best character I like is Jonah because he is the main character of the book because you always know what he’s saying.In my perspective this book is great to read so I say you should read this book.

Jonah finally thought he was done time travel for a long time when this girl named Daniella comes to Jonah’s front door when he is researching about this Alexis/Alexei Romanov. At first he doesn’t realize it’s her but then he remembers talking to her over the phone about her moving to where he lives. He thought she was just coming to talk to him but in reality she wanted Jonah, Katherine, and Chip to all follow her so this guy named Gavin could snatch them all and send all of them to 1903 The Russian Revolution.

After all of the kids are kidnapped they all go through this time portal that lands them in 1903 where first thing that happens is that guards are pointing guns at Daniella and Gavin. Gavin and Daniella don’t have something that Jonah and Katherine do which is to speak and hear what every language someone is speaking in just english and they can talk back in that certain language. To find out what else happens you should go ahead and read the book.


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