Con Academy by Joe Schreiber | Teen Ink

Con Academy by Joe Schreiber

September 22, 2017
By Gigivillalba BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
Gigivillalba BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Con Academy is the book I read. I grew fond of this book. It really appealed to me, because the
plot structure was so easy to follow and very well made. That climax had me the edge of my bed
literally. At the beginning it may be a bit boring but believe me, if you keep reading it you will
not disappoint; it is well worth the ride. I thoroughly enjoyed the ending it was what I asked/
hoped for, although I really would have appreciated if they had gone a bit more in depth maybe
like a week after or a month perhaps a year to see what happened next.

What I learned from this book is that no mater your background you can always change
for the better.

The characterization is so strong I got so attached to all the characters in some way or
another. I felt like I was in the book, and I wish I could be in it I adore this book oh so very
much. I would recommend this book to people who are really into the fiction genre, and who like
to see a happy and interesting ending as well as a hint of romance I still say just for teens. This
book is also for teens because some content may be hard for younger kids to understand, also the
romance although there are hints of it. If you do not like any of this, then this book is not for you
plain and simple.

“In life, as in the big con, sometimes there is no angle. Sometimes you just have to play it
as it lays” (Schreiber 236). This quote I found in the book ties into the story so well it is the last
sentence in the book and I love it a lot. “‘My name is Will Shea. You can probably tell that I’m

not from here.’” (Schreiber 1). This being the first sentence in the book the one that got me
intrigued from the very start; to know what he meant by I’m not from here.


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