The Cartel by Ashley and JaQuavis | Teen Ink

The Cartel by Ashley and JaQuavis

January 26, 2018
By jermaine6 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
jermaine6 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This book is about a cartel that sells drugs,guns ,sexs and all of that but it’s a good book to read they got big cars and houses the run the streets bullet proof cars cater and his wife or having baby she got kidnap by her x bf and his name was murder he want to kill carter because carter killed the sister so murder was mad at carter murder said to give  him a week when he kipnap her she said i want to go home with carter she said he said carter , ok but the book is about  love killing trust and more stuff but really someone is going to die but that’s all really it but the cartel family was going to die that’s what really happen murder was in jail he’s got back out he wanted to kill carter but he was having , baby and she wanted to go home but murder said no give a week then it was like a ghost that walk in the room like it was mecca like he was alive then she was dreaming she was going to kill murder he would,t let her go


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