A Star Is Born | Teen Ink

A Star Is Born

January 14, 2019
By TaylorAddington SILVER, Defiance Ogio, Ohio
TaylorAddington SILVER, Defiance Ogio, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A star is born is one of my favorite movies. In the quote, “The acting is incredible from the two leads….” is very accurate. Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper are absolutely amazing in this movie. Cooper and Gaga had released one of the best soundtracks in movie history. “The film also develops deeply into the issues like addiction, celebrity image, and the impact of a death of a loved one has on you.” is true statement. The movie shows how addiction and love can really mess up life. This article really explains the movie and the actors so well. I think everyone should watch the movie and read this article, too.

The author's comments:

I am a big fan of movies!

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