Speed Racer | Teen Ink

Speed Racer

December 21, 2019
By Anonymous

 Speed Racer proves to be an exhilarating adventure that combines together vibrant visuals, delirious drama and the true heart of what it means to be a racer in an epic tale that will be sure to please. Revolving around the charismatic and charming Speed Racer, Speed is about as true of a racer as they come. Born into a family that truly values the sport of racing cars, going as far as to have a family business that involves making and racing these cars, Speed has been attempting to become a racer for as long as he can remember. Even when he was in school Speed had aspirations to become the world's greatest racer and follow in the footsteps of his brother and father. In fact, that's why it is so rewarding for Speed Racer to be considered one of the game's hottest stars currently. With his confidence and pure knowledge of all there is to know about racing, Speed has the ability to destroy the competition and shatter records in the process. There really isn't much that frightens Speed anymore on the track, and when he is racing, Speed feels as if all of his troubles disappear. However, the entire game changes for Speed when he makes a startling discovery. Upon receiving an offer from Royalton Industries, a powerful racing company that tries to make the very best cars and racers that the industry has to offer, Speed begins to get a closer look at how some of the most professional racers live and train. Royalton Industries is truly magnificent to the eye, and its tremendous quantity of wealth and power surely means that working for them could be a benefit to both Speed and his family. However, Speed quickly turns down the offer from the head of the company, believing that he cannot betray his family business and must always represent them for as long as he lives. Despite this new act of bravery, Speed discovers a hidden secret about the racing industry, and that is how the biggest races are fixed. Powerful industrialists and capitalists have the capability to fix the races, and they do such to increase their own profits and become far more richer in the process. Learning that all of his greatest racing idols were a part of this brutal scheming, Speed decides to try to beat the system and bring racing back to the great game that he has always believed it to be. Defying all the odds, and all of the corporate executives, Speed Racer places himself on a journey to prove to the world that he is the racer he was always meant to be, starting with entering the same dangerous racing competition that is responsible for the death of his brother. 
 Speed Racer is a truly exuberant adventure that combines together action-packed drama with plenty of personal and heartrending emotion that transforms all of the characters on-screen. Epic in its entirety, the movie understands the value of creating a racing world that is enormous in scope. In the world of the film, racing has become a fundamental part of the wealthy continuing to add their finances, and this has resulted in massive corporations doing everything in their power to try to fix the sport of racing. This creates an immediate villain for Speed Racer to face, and not only is the notion of a corporate executive being a bad guy for Speed Racer's life clever, but it is also brilliant in that it causes society to be Speed Racer's true opponent. Speed isn't just fighting to prove to himself who he is as a racer, his family, his girlfriend, or even for his career. Instead, Speed decides to represent the sport of racing as he believes it was always meant to be, pure-hearted and earnestly honest, and begins to race with a vengeance against society for taking away his beloved sport. For Speed, racing is like a religion, a way of life, and the fact that there are those out there willing to corrupt such is enough for Speed to practically go on a vendetta. 
 Speed Racer is vibrant and vivid throughout, and with its ability to craft a superbly immersive world of racing, audiences become transported into a new and exciting, futuristic society. The movie uses bright and outlandish colors constantly, and this creates consistency amazing images that are nothing short of awesome to behold. The races themselves in the film are explosive and eye-popping, showcasing just the pure passion and inspiration that can be found in the sport of racing.  
 Speed Racer is a film so stupendous in scope that there's no denying that it has the ability to leave viewers feeling wholeheartedly mesmerized. Dramatic, emotional and personal in all of the right ways, the movie is able to strike a chord with viewers, throwing them through an entire emotional spectrum. Part heartbreaking and part heartwarming, the movie is, without any shred of doubt, a fully inspiring movie that will move audiences to their very core. This is an absolute must-see in every sense. It's that phenomenal. 

The author's comments:

"It doesn't matter if racing never changes. What matters is if we let racing change us. Every one of us has to find a reason to do this. You don't climb into a T-180 to be a driver. You do it because you're driven." - Racer X

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