The Devil's Advocate | Teen Ink

The Devil's Advocate

January 18, 2020
By Anonymous

 The Devil's Advocate proves to be an immensely complex and dramatic adventure that combines together lawyers, crime, and begs questions about the true conflict between good and evil. The movie revolves around Kevin Lomax, a trial defense attorney that uses his natural charm and charisma to win over the hearts of juries. In fact, Kevin is an aspiring lawyer from Florida that tries his hardest to receive a good reputation and eventually dreams of becoming a hotshot lawyer that can make tons of money. It even seems like Kevin might finally fulfill this dream when he's offered an incredibly impressive position in New York. This firm in New York is led by John Milton, a fierce and stout leader that knows how to fight for what he wants and is a master at finding talent. This means that Milton sees enormous potential in Kevin Lomax as a lawyer, and with Kevin's ability to be unpredictable, masterfully choose the right jury for his case, and surprise audiences by appearing to be spontaneous with his creation of a winning case, Kevin seems to be the next big thing when it comes to the field of law. While Kevin has to represent plenty of low-life criminals, he still maintains his confidence in his cases, regardless of who he is defending. This allows Kevin to quickly move up through the firm's class ranks, and as Kevin continues to produce winning arguments, John Milton continues to explain to Kevin how his future at the company is bright and involves Kevin growing to some pretty high-powered positions. Understanding that living in New York is far superior to barely scraping by in Florida, especially considering that it was difficult to find good clients and work in Florida, Kevin is far happier living the good life in a massive New York apartment and being able to enjoy all of the rich luxuries that he would otherwise be unable to afford. However, as much as Kevin relishes in this new, elaborate lifestyle, his wife, Mary Ann, begins to struggle in this new way of life. Mary Ann has several instances of terrifying and seemingly mystical events that seem to change her perception of life and reality. As Kevin continues to win his cases, Mary Ann's mental state only continues to deteriorate, and as Kevin continues to work on cases that increase in stakes each time, Kevin Lomax begins to make the starling discovery that John Milton might be more evil than he could have ever expected. 

 The Devil's Advocate manages to transform into an epically dramatic adventure that feels emotion-packed, intense and full of surprises in its entirety. As the film begins to beg questions of morality and ethics, struggles between good versus evil, and what exactly the right thing to do is in a situation that seems to be a loss either way, it becomes increasingly clear that this movie is going to expand beyond just simple lawyers representing innocent clients. Every thing comes at a price in this adventure, and as Kevin Lomax continues to win highly-contested court cases, it becomes clear that all of his winning has to result in some sort of consequence. In fact, this unnerving sense of a fear of what must come next propels the movie into a world of unpredictability and unexpected adventure that stems from an intricately sophisticated adventure. The movie infuses together religion, mystical experiences, mysteriousness, and the true raw nature of the human mind to produce a sense of confounding and action-packed thrills. This allows the film to be an immensely entertaining adventure that provides viewers with compelling and captivating characters and also ensures that as the story of the film unravels, the plot quickly thickens and becomes substantially more immersive. 
 The Devil's Advocate is a temptation tale in its entirety, implementing plenty of vibrant details to capture together something that feels surprisingly fresh, modern, and bewildering by the film's conclusion. Packed with some truly exhilarating twists and turns, the epic ending of the movie makes the entire story feel completely unified, as well as gift the adventure some of its most memorable moments. Allowing the superb dialogue of the film to be made an important focal point, the well-written script of the movie shines through for being brilliant in its concepts and well-composed in its execution. With aid from a few truly vital roles, including the always great Al Pacino gifting viewers with an amazing performance as John Milton, a surprisingly triumphant performance from Keanu Reeves as Kevin Lomax, and a deliberately psychological portrayal from a young Charlize Theron as Mary Ann Lomax, the star-studded cast of the film stands out as one of the movie's greatest traits. In fact, Al Pacino highlights one of his most likable roles, especially through his ability to add an entire level of depth and darkness to the film. Part supernatural horror, part mystery, and totally thrilling, the movie crafts together a wonderful masterpiece that showcases an entirely new side of what it means to be a lawyer. This is an absolute must-see. It's that earnestly phenomenal. 

The author's comments:

"Vanity, definitely my favorite sin." - John Milton

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