Avengers: Endgame | Teen Ink

Avengers: Endgame

April 21, 2021
By Tc47 BRONZE, Lethbridge, Alberta
Tc47 BRONZE, Lethbridge, Alberta
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Avengers: Endgame, one of the biggest box office hits making 2.789 billion dollars was the highly anticipated fourth installment in the avenger’s series. Fans waited a lengthy year to find out what has happened to the world after Thanos in Avenger’s Infinity War snapped his fingers wiping out half of all the population in the universe. Iron man and nebula stranded in space with the rest of the avengers back on earth in utter defeat trying to find what where the mighty Thanos disappeared to in the end of Infinity War with all six infinity stones. The time, mind, soul, reality, space, and power stone, all elemental stones created with the big bang of the universe that was explained by Wong one of Doctor Strange’s peers to Tony stark in Infinity war. The Remaining avengers must find a way to restore the universe and everyone who has fallen with it.

 Avengers: Endgame amazed the viewers with how the movie turned out with the amazing acting and cinematography, in the beginning it kicks off things slowly with the aftermath of Avengers: Infinity War. The middle just mind blown all the viewers with the choreography and visuals. And the alluring end with absolute stunning views, CGI and acting that left everyone with adrenaline running through their body leaving the theatre.

The suspense through the movie was getting the viewers more excited every scene and the visuals were stunning, from the backgrounds to the fighting. When you watched the movie, every part feels exhilarating and immersive. All the actors were completely on their A game throughout this movie and made it what it is today. The outstanding special effects with the science fiction made all the little details worth it and paid off. All the CGI from the fight scenes were very remarkable and made the fight scenes as realistic and terrific looking as possible. The comedic interactions with characters do not seem force and adds that touch of marvel in it.

There are a lot of heartfelt and heart-breaking moments in the movie, that leave fans with that little empty spot in their heart for the movies. Avengers: Endgame is one of the heartbreaking Marvel cinematic movies released today and will be remembered for a long time with a lot of the parts.

Even though Avengers: Endgame is one of the biggest box office movies ever created it does have its downside. The pacing in the movie can be a little slow in the start but it makes sense since it is the last installment in phase 3, but it could have been sped up a bit. There is also some CGI clipping in the movie like Thanos’s sword clipping through his head, but those are seen throughout every movie and bound to happen with fans that look for mistakes. However, there are a lot of likeable parts as well. Endgame is one of the most fan loved movie to this day and even with those tiny mistakes and downsides it is still an overall great movie to watch for both lifetime fans and new fans. This movie has also opened up a lot of new ideas and areas for the directors of new marvel movies. The heroes are funny and likeable and make the movies that much more to attract new fans. The thing about marvel and their cinematic universe is that they are not like any other movie company, they think ahead to the next phases of movies and take that int accounting to make the movie more amusing to watch. When you watch a marvel movie you sometimes if not most the time feel very immersed into the movie.

Not only did the fans love the movies but so did critics. Rotten Tomatoes give the movie 94% overall and the commonsense media with a 5/5. If you do not believe me with what I say or the critics you can watch the movie yourself and see for yourself, it will not disappoint you. Marvel has really changed the way people view superhero movies and superheroes in general, because it manages to open new doors for movies and spin offs. Marvel usually gets a lot of social media attention as well from trends on TikTok and memes on Instagram. People may think they will go into this theatre knowing what will happen but then being amazed. Marvel continue to astonish viewers every time they release a new movie.

The author's comments:

this peice explains how amazing avengers Endgame turned out and why you should try and watch it. there are no spoilers

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