Interstellar | Teen Ink


January 26, 2022
By Kevohncarter BRONZE, Sacramento, California
Kevohncarter BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

     Time and time again when I am watching a science fiction movie I begin to be reminded about the movie Interstellar. It's really good. I wanna say it’s one of those types of movies where you gotta pay attention to the whole movie because if you miss something you're not going to understand it later in the movie. That’s why I think it’s a great movie. There've been great science fiction movies but there is nothing like Interstellar here’s why. It’s a story where the ending is basically the beginning of the movie. Also, It’s something relatable for example when the dad left the family was hurting because he left and then also had to grow up with him gone and when a family go through something like that it scares them because then they end up like where did time go. That's why I said it’s one of those movies where you have to watch the whole movie should you miss anything. With other scientific movies they just explain the difficulties with the science and how it works not messing with time and everything maybe so and sometimes people don’t really connect with it 

    I personally do not have a favorite or most interesting. I think the two that come close to that are the daughter( Murph) and the father (Cooper). The reason why is because Murph kind of knew it wasn’t a great idea for him to go and as she grew she began to realize why he went and it’s incredible. With Cooper he did this big huge thing to save the world and on the way of that he had some doubt and he missed his family and also he saw his family grow up with his own eyes. What makes them so incredible is that he may have had doubts of leaving his family. He thought about the world and wanted to get him out and I thought that was really cool in a lot of ways; and with Murph it was how she cared for him even when he was still gone and did some questionable things but I think that’s what made her interesting. 

    The message of Interstellar that was being told was about love and of course time traveling. The reason why I thought it was about love is because it was the reason why he left in the first place. It was the reason why didn’t leave even though she wanted to forget she couldn’t. It was also the reason why he wanted to come back in the first place. I really like the movie. It's really good and to be honest I don’t know if I would change anything about it, but the part that kind of got to me was her birthday. When I first watched the movie it did make me realize some stuff and more importantly value because you never know what could happen. Someone could be right there and the next thing you don’t see them for so long and maybe you don’t get to see them again. Inclusion to the story of Interstellar always enjoy what you have and cherish it. 

The author's comments:

This Movie was so great in so many ways one of the reasons is because he went out to outer space well basically he went a little pass. This is like the best science fiction movie that I watched and says something because I'm usually not into science fiction movies like that. 

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