Burlesque | Teen Ink


January 27, 2011
By toress.13 BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
toress.13 BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“So get your a** up show me how you burlesque”, sung by Christina Aguilera, also known as Ali from the movie, Burlesque. This movie starts off with a small town girl named Ali, who lives paycheck to paycheck working in a bar that barely gets any business. She has had it with her boss and takes the next bus to Los Angeles to make something of herself. If I was her I would be doing the same thing, as they say Los Angeles is where dreams come true. When she gets there she soon realizes it’s not as easy as she thought. The beginning of this amazing movie is a little slow but towards the middle, all the music and dancing just makes you want to jump out your seat and bust a move.

Tess, who is played by Cher, is the owner of the Burlesque Lounge that hires Ali to be her waitress. As I was watching this, I kept thinking to myself, why won’t Tess let her be a part of the show. It was just bugging me the whole time until Ali charged on stage and did a little number for Tess. Ali is a good dancer, but she should stick to singing in the movie, no offense. If you were watching this from the beginning, you wouldn’t guess that there would be a little bit of a love connection between Ali and Jack, played by the gorgeous Cam Gigandel. Tears are shed, cat fights break out like there’s no tomorrow, and betrayal with a dash of jealousy takes a toll on certain actresses in the movie. If you want to know with who then your just going to have to pop some popcorn and pop a squat to watch this incredible movie.

The author's comments:
i was inspired by this movie because i love all the excitment and i love to dance.

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