FIeld Of Dreams | Teen Ink

FIeld Of Dreams

March 19, 2013
By Anonymous

The movie Field of Dreams, starring Kevin Costner, directed by Phil Robinson is a heart warming story about a man by the name Ray Kinsella going on a quest to find answers to his question: why do I have to do this? Ray has a cornfield and one day working in the field he hears a voice saying, “if you build it he will come.” He later finds out that he was supposed to build a baseball field. He builds the field and discovered things he couldn’t believe things that were ever able to happen. He thinks after seeing all these strange things he’s done with everything he was supposed to do but later finds out he isn’t done just yet. It might make him lose his home to build this baseball field. His family is worried about his mortgage for his home since the baseball field is making him loose his crop, which is making him loose his business.

This movie takes place in Iowa with a small family, annie the mother, Karin the daughter, and also ray the father. This movie overall was good. Although there were some things that did come out of nowhere and there were many questions left unanswered. Many things in this movie were appearing without explanation and just did not make sense.

The cinematography was done very well. It makes the viewers feel like they are somewhat watching what’s going on during the movie up close and personal. There were amazing details in the camera shots. It was the little things that make the sets stand out.

This movie is worth seeing but is not recommended for people who need questions to be answered. If people set aside their suspicions overall this movie was a worthwhile movie worth seeing.

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