Thor Movie | Teen Ink

Thor Movie

July 4, 2013
By Cyber-Skull PLATINUM, Norfolk, Virginia
Cyber-Skull PLATINUM, Norfolk, Virginia
40 articles 0 photos 20 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Why so serious?&quot; -Heath Ledger as The Joker<br /> <br /> &quot;BOOST!&quot; -Welsh Dragon Armor; High School DxD

For those of you who have waited patiently for my review of Thor, I thank you for enjoying my past reviews and for being so patient. I'm glad that so many of you like my reviews, and with that said and done, here you go.

Thor! So, Thor is the tale about the Nordic God of Thunder. That alone could possibly make him the toughest Avengers character to do. So did they pull it off? Yeah. The people who put Thor together obviously put a lot of time, money, and patience into making this movie. Thank you director Kenneth Branagh for giving us this movie, and for not making it suck.

So Thor, played by Chris Hemsworth, is living the good life. He's the greatest warrior in all of Asgard, he has a family that loves him, and he's the prince. So Thor's pretty much living the rockstar life, until he goes out for vengeance against the Frost Giants. They broke into his home, took back the source of their power, and killed some of his people. Now Thor's out for blood, going against his father's orders. He leads a small group of warriors, including his brother Loki played by Tom Hiddleston. We get an awesome fight scene between the Asgardian warriors and the Frost Giants. They are somewhat victorious, but Odin the Allfather is not pleased. After disobeying his orders, Odin sees Thor as unworthy, and strips him of his powers and banishes him to Earth. He crash lands on Earth where he meets Jane Foster, played by Natalie Portman, and a man named Eric Selvig who will play a part in the Avengers. He eventually understands that he has no power and tries to adjust to living among us mere Earthlings. At some point in time, a group of truckers find Thor's hammer in the ground and treat it like a test your strength game at a carnival. And that's when we see Agent Coulson arrive at the scene, like at the end of Iron Man 2. Thor learns of his hammer and ventures there with Jane's help, because Thor promised to tell her about other worlds and because she likes him. When they get there, they see that S.H.I.E.L.D. has quarantines the crater Thor's hammer is in. Meanwhile in Asgard, Thor's loyal friends try to persuade Loki to persuade Odin to forgive Thor but Odin falls into the Odin-sleep and Loki becomes king as he always wanted. He goes over the edge after Odin tells him that he's a Frost Giant before he fell into the sleep. Back on Earth, Thor fights his way through the guards, including a quick cameo from Hawkeye, and reaches his hammer. He tries his best to lift it, but he isn't worthy. Coulson takes Thor into custody. Loki contacts Thor and twists the truth about what has happened, in order to keep Thor from returning. For the next few weeks or months, Thor grows accustomed to Earthly life and Asgard adjusts to life without Thor.

Growing tired of Thor's existence, Loki sends the Destroyer armor to Earth to kill Thor. After learning of Loki's plot, Thor's loyal allies travel to Earth to warn him. The Destroyer arrives on Earth and heads towards a small town where Thor is. A powerless Thor and his friends help evacuate the town, but the Destroyer hits Thor and with his act of selflessness done, Thor's hammer, Mjolner, makes his way back to Thor and grants him his power. The Asgardians battle the Destroyer and protect the innocence from the chaos. After a cool battle, Thor makes his way back to Asgard after sharing a kiss with Jane. While I would've stayed, Thor went back to stop Loki's rule. Loki and Thor duke it out for a bit before Thor smashes the Bifrost Bridge to save the Nine Realms. Loki grabs Thor as he falls into the abyss which is the Bifrost coming apart. As Thor slowly loses his grip on the edge, Odin finally awakens and with his aid, Thor stands with his father as Loki falls into the Bifrost Bridge as it vanishes before them. The Asgardians return to their lives, while Jane keeps searching for Thor in the stars.

And just like the other movies leading up to the Avengers, there is as scene after the credits. Dr. Selvig meets with Nick Fury. And Nick Fury shows him the Tesseract, and we see Loki in a mirror controling Selvig. I suppose he's persuading Selvig, but the main point is that this plays a key part in the Avengers. So overall, the movie was well acted, the dialogue never felt forced, and Kenneth Branagh portrayed the God of Thunder perfectly. I understand that with the ideas, and mythology surrounding Thor could possibly make him the toughest Avengers character to do. But lucky for us, Branagh did it with pin point accuracy. And that's why I think that Thor is... Awesometastic! So have you seen Thor? What did you think? Are you looking forward to Thor The Dark World? Comment below, let me know. And as always, if you liked this review and want to reap more, check out my other reviews to read more. Bye-bye.

The author's comments:
The next movie in the line of movies building up to the Avengers. Here you go. 'For Midgard!!!'


This article has 3 comments.

on Aug. 24 2013 at 4:40 pm
LegendKeeper DIAMOND, Unadilla, New York
60 articles 2 photos 48 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;What is impossible with man is possible with God.&quot; Luke 18:27

actually I found out this morning that it was published. it's titled Thor (1). You tell me.

on Aug. 20 2013 at 11:56 pm
Cyber-Skull PLATINUM, Norfolk, Virginia
40 articles 0 photos 20 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Why so serious?&quot; -Heath Ledger as The Joker<br /> <br /> &quot;BOOST!&quot; -Welsh Dragon Armor; High School DxD

I'm sure it'll be great

on Aug. 20 2013 at 4:25 pm
LegendKeeper DIAMOND, Unadilla, New York
60 articles 2 photos 48 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;What is impossible with man is possible with God.&quot; Luke 18:27

Now I feel really bad because my Thor review is still pending and I know that it's not going to published because this is way Awesomer!