insidious Ch2 | Teen Ink

insidious Ch2

September 10, 2013
By iiAnkleDestroyerii BRONZE, Martinsburg, West Virginia
iiAnkleDestroyerii BRONZE, Martinsburg, West Virginia
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Insidious Ch. 2 is one of many scary movies and they say this one is going to top it off with pop ups, screams, and other clips of movie ghost so most people will pack the movie theaters tight so you’ll have to get there early and wait in line just before the first movie starts and order a later ticket so you can go with a lot of your friends and cousins and enjoy a late night movie. It resembles another scary movie that was made in around 2010 or 2011 when a new family movie into a home in Connecticut and the house turned out to be haunted and it gave them touchier visions. In insidious chapter. 2 the new family moved into a home in Road Island and it was haunted but this one has a twist the ghost and spirits follow them around because one of them followed the little boy to school in 1986 and they have it on camera. The reason there’s so many evil presents is because of the murders that were done in that house and the new owners didn’t know that the home was haunted until after couches and chairs started moving and figures started appearing into the house. One real way to get ready for the movie is to go to the web site Insidious and watch the read inside the history room and watch that clip of the chant happening and if you get scared of that then you’ll definitely get scared of the movie but I’m warning you it catches you off by surprise. After what I saw I think even though you might not watch scary movies you should watch this one because it’s suppose to be way better than the first one and if you get scared bring a girl with you and act though at the movies but when you’re by yourself then express how scared you are at the comfort of your own home.

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