Ender's Game Movie/Book Review | Teen Ink

Ender's Game Movie/Book Review

November 21, 2013
By Elijah Ching BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
Elijah Ching BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
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Ender’s Game is a series of about 16 books. We read the first book in the series. The movie came out right after we finished the book so we decided to watch it. This review is a comparison of the book to the movie. The book is by Orson Scott Card. The book is basically about a boy who is challenged with saving the world. Ender is the third born in his family which isn’t allowed.
Ender’s Game is a good book. The main character was Andrew Ender Wiggin, also known as Ender by others. He faces many troubles throughout the whole book, along with many triumphs throughout the whole movie. He takes on many changes, and many things become different in the book. The movie had its similarities and differences. The movie has better scenes than the book, and vice versa.

The main part of the book was basically the same for both books. In both of them, Ender is a young boy who is invited to a battle school in space. Battle school is to train people for the next bugger attack. He accepts the invite and goes. He is immediately put into a situation where people don’t like him. He outgrows it by immediately shown skill and major strategy. He starts off saving his team, but while breaking the rules that his “all bark” commander told him. Bonzo is a Hispanic commander for the Salamander Army, with a very stingy, harsh attitude. He doesn’t allow Ender to do anything in battles but he does anyway. Petra, an elite sniper for the Salamander Army trains Ender in both the movie and the book, and teaches him about how to shoot, and how to play the game. He get’s traded to the rat army, and starts becoming better, while meeting people, and becoming more hated.
He soon gets invited, more or like forced to command his own army, and run it. He is given some really bad, new launchies (new people to battle school), but soon trains them how to fight, and his army becomes the most skilled, surprising, and best army at battle school. Ender is given a promotion to command school, where he commands his own fleet of spaceships through space, while destroying buggers. It is on another planet called Eros, where all the buggers camped out and were destroyed. His team consists of all of his best friends at battle school. They are a very elite team and do a lot during the time of the team. Ender is also given a bunk partner in his small room. They get in a bit of friendly conflict, and Ender finds out his partner’s name is Mazer Rackham, the man who fended off the last attack of the buggers. He stopped them from invaded and killing the whole planet. Mazer Rackham sets up all the battles for Ender in command school, or Ender thinks. He soon finds out they are real battles when he and his team blows up the Bugger’s home planet, and kills them all with the “little doctor”, the molecular, nuclear, atomizing, disintegrating missile. They both start and end like that, but there are little things in between those that are what makes the book different from the movie. There are little differences and big differences in them.

The book can be another story when you compare it to the movie. In my opinion the book goes much slower than the movie. It moves along with his life, unlike the movie. The movie skips around so they could fit it less than two hours. I also think that Ender looked MUCH older in the movie than how he was six inside of the book. Ender goes through many changes throughout the whole book. Every change he goes through is really dramatic, and quite groundbreaking in the books terms. He goes through feelings and emotions in the book like he’s becoming a bad person, and a he is getting worse. That’s not really in the book. Ender doesn’t feel like he’s really becoming the Peter inside of the book. The movie was very action packed. It had a lot of heavy plot, but not a lot of time on it. The movie was like a summary to the book. They are also very similar in a lot of ways. The book develops a new character through Ender and he becomes someone different as he grows, and as he experiences bad situations. Ender gets different types of emotions and attitudes to different things as well. For example Ender hates that he keeps beating people up in the book a lot, but in the movie, he barely changes. There are also side stories along side about Peter and Valentine. Peter is on his way to conquer the world over the Internet. Valentine and Peter create a forum, with major conflict. It is not in the movie, but in the book.
The movie is too short to become as good as the book, or like the book at all. I like the book a lot more. You can build up your own reaction to the book; instead the movie choreographs it for you. The book is slow, but it describes everything and multiplies your reaction because of how long it is. His character develops as the book goes, and makes you like the book. The movie is just a fun thing to watch, which has action, a plot, and is a fast movie. I like them both, but the book is better.

The author's comments:
It is cool.

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