8 Seconds | Teen Ink

8 Seconds MAG

By Anonymous

   This is a gutsy, inspirational film about rodeo legend Lane Frost. Frost, playedby Luke Perry, is a champion bull-rider who fights to achieve his childhooddreams both in and out of the rodeo ring.

Stephen Baldwin, who plays TuffHedeman, Lane's hard-nosed, soft-hearted best friend, lets you really get to knowhim through his remarks and his constant teasing of Lane.

As for romance,Kelly Kyle (Cynthia Geary) starts off doubting that she will like a skinny littlecowboy, yet falls deeply in love with him and does everything in her power totake care of him. All the talented actors portray their characters quiteconvincingly.

This intense, action-packed story of a man born to rideshows the hardships of life on the rodeo circuit, but also how dreams can cometrue. As you travel around the country with Lane and Tuff, you get to know themas they go through the many tribulations of rodeo life. You worry about Lane whenhe gets hurt and hope that he makes it just one more round.

This is agreat movie if you are looking for an action-packed romance with a rodeo theme.


This article has 1 comment.

i love this so much!