Remember the Titans | Teen Ink

Remember the Titans MAG

By Anonymous

   Once again, producer Jerry Bruckheimer ("ConAir," "Gone in Sixty Seconds") shows the world he can do not onlybig action movies but also ones that make you reach for a tissue. In"Remember the Titans," Denzel Washington ("Glory," "TheHurricane") and Will Patton ("Gone in Sixty Seconds") deliver theperformances of their lives. Washington is perfect in the role of anAfrican-American coach sent to a newly integrated school. He's a hard coach whoknows how to win.

Washington takes the head coaching job, skipping overPatton and leaving him in the assisstant coaching position. The two are in hotwater; the white and black players on the team aren't too fond of one another.Fights and screaming arguments are about all there are the first few days oftraining camp, but the team comes together after a little talk from their coachat the Gettysburg Battlefield.

"Remember the Titans" is full oflaughs, tears and a raw desire for football. After seeing the movie, I wanted togo strap on pads. Bruck-heimer and company have done a great job with a truestory.


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i love this so much!