Click | Teen Ink


November 9, 2008
By Anonymous

Even before the credits rolled, I found myself wishing for a universal remote that would allow me to go back in time, just like Michael Newman had in the movie Click. I could've saved my money before deciding to waste a Friday night on a poor excuse for a dramatic film.

Emmy nominated actor, Adam Sandler, plays Michael Newman, a loving husband and father of two who faces the typical setbacks of a middle-aged man plagued by life's seemingly endless disappointments.

Working a dead-end job as an architect, his boss, Mr. Ammer (David Hasselhoff), relentlessly dangles a long overdue promotion before him, which only adds to Newman's anxieties.

To make matters worse, his wife, Donna (Kate Beckinsale), finds their sex-life less than adequate and begins to question the relationship. The fact that the children are repeatedly let down as a result of Newman's obsession with the promotion only increases her discontent.

A frustrating stint with the numerous remotes as he makes an attempt to turn on the television and unwind for the day becomes the icing on the cake. Newman decides he'll stand no more.

Racing to the nearest Bed, Bath


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