The Amazing Spider- Man 2 | Teen Ink

The Amazing Spider- Man 2

May 12, 2014
By GirlintheRedChair1 SILVER, Menifee, California
GirlintheRedChair1 SILVER, Menifee, California
7 articles 4 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"My life is a loan from God. And I plan to pay it back, but with interest" Andy Wimmer

Let me start off by saying that I am writing this from the point of view of a person who has unfortunately NOT read the comic books. I kept my hopes for The Amazing Spider- Man 2 at an “eh” level, because the first one was decent, but just that. This one, however, blew me out of the water.

When I think of this movie the first thing I think of are the special effects. I did not see this movie in 3D, but I wish I had, because the special effects would have been even greater than they already were. The soundtrack they choose really enhanced the movie and I thought the music they choose for certain parts (specifically Electro’s parts) was very intriguing and an interesting choice, but none the less effective.

Now for the actual plot of the movie, The Amazing Spider- Man 2 saved this franchise. Although I do believe that the re-boot of Spider- Man came a bit too early, this movie did surprise me with how much I enjoyed it. The makers of this film, in my humble opinion, incorporated events from the original franchise into this film seamlessly. It was easy to see that they obviously put much planning into the script of this film, to insure that they included at least most major parts. In this film, there were multiple villains, but I never felt confused or as if I had to “keep up” to understand what was going on, as I stated before the writers really put thought into the script and the direction of the movie.

Action- packed and fast paced, this film didn’t leave me bored for a single second. There were times when I looked over to my friends and we were able to joke about what was going on, but then there were also times when our gazes could not be ripped from the screen because of how enveloped we were with what was happening.

As for the actors, I appreciate Andrew Garfield as Spider- Man; even though Tobye Maguire will always be the original Spider- Man, I feel as if the role fits Mr. Garfield much better. With quirky charm, and natural emotion Andrew Garfield made me really feel and fall in love with this character even more than I already was. His internal struggles became my internal struggles and when he accomplished something, I felt a swell of pride for this character. Also, the chemistry between Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone is far more superior to that of Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst. Andrew and Emma seem to fit each other perfectly, and not a single part of their relationship seemed at all forced.

One relationship, however, that I did feel was not played out well was that of Peter and Harry. In the first set of films, I really did see the connection and friendship between Maguire and Franco; while as in this one, the relationship between Garfield and DeHaan seemed rushed and I couldn’t quite wrap my brain around the idea that these two were, at one time, best friends.

The other relationships for the most part worked, especially the relationship between Peter and Aunt May. I could really feel this struggle that Sally Field put forth of an Aunt who felt as if this boy was her son, but knowing that she would never have the same connection with him, that he would with his own parents. The other characters I really enjoyed were the villains of the film. I sympathized with all of them, and even though some of their actions did not make sense to me, I could understand their motives behind them.

The ending left me shocked and I wished it would have continued because, in all honesty, I did not want it to end. Unfortunately, at 2 hours and 20 minutes, the movie ran long enough and now all we can do is wait for the next one to release.

Overall, this film was very enjoyable and I am excited to see the third one when it comes out. If you have read the comics you may have problems with the film, but that is always expected when it comes to a piece of literature being adapted to film. I recommended seeing this movie if you are looking for a good time, but go in knowing exactly what it is- a superhero movie. A fun, adventurous, superhero movie. I give the film a 7.5 out of 10, because although it was great, I did find small problems that bothered me, and there is always room for improvement. I hope you guys have a chance to see it, and find joy in the world that is Peter Parker’s. Until next time, I’ll see you guys at the movies.

The author's comments:
I really enjoying watching movies, and I just wanted to share my thoughts on this one :)


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