twilight | Teen Ink


December 17, 2008
By Anonymous

I remember thinking about how breath taking it would be to see the movie Twilight .I had sought to see this movie ever sense the previews started. Well finally my hope came true it came out on November21, 2008. There I was standing in line getting ready to hand my ticket off to the guy. It was astonishing, I never would of thought of seeing the movie on the first day!

Twilight is out of this world! It has been watch almost all over the country and is still being watch. I used to think of the entire princess movies, and how prince charming would fall in love with the princess and they would end up being true love. Now today I think of the Twilight series.

Edward Cullen had spoke to Isabella Swan and told her that he wanted to kill her. He said I have never wanted anything more than you. Bella just stood there. Then she said I trust you! That was an aw!!! Moment.

I can tell you honestly that if you do not like romantic fantasy I would suggest that you should try reading a different book. One because it is a love story and two they do what all the other romantic movies do so yah get that point.

There are a lot of great actors in this movie. Robert pattison is one of the great ones in there which is the star of Edward Cullen and Kristin Stewart the star of Isabella Swan. These two actors are amazing and have played in a bunch of movies.
In my opinion I thought the book was ten times better than the movie. First of all they left out so many scenes that if you have not read the book you would be so confused. At least I would .Second of all they had skipped from scene to scenes so it was a little confusing. Other people have different opinions such as the girls like it because of the romance and the guys like it because of James getting his head cut off and burned.

By the way James is very different and him and his pals are enemies of the Cullen family .James and his pals do not like the Cullen family because the Cullen's were protecting Bella from a lot of danger.

As you can see that the Twilight series is great. I would recommend this to anyone who loves romantic fantasy. I really enjoyed it so I suggest that you read them!!!!!


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