Juno | Teen Ink


January 13, 2016
By RobertDaniel2 BRONZE, Redford, Michigan
RobertDaniel2 BRONZE, Redford, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

If Juno decided later on that she wanted to know how the baby was doing, could she just ask Vanessa or does she have to go through a procedure to receive updates on the baby? Juno is a girl that’s 16 years old, and her and her best friend was starting to date. Then Juno got pregnant, And gives her baby up to Vanessa The actors was pretty good in this movie the actors was Ellen Page Michael Cera and Jennifer Garner. Jason Reitman was the director. Juno was filmed at a lot of places like Vancouver, British, Columbia and Canada. I think music make this a good movie because it makes the movie more intense. I also think humor was a big part in the movie because it was very funny.

The main problem in the movie Juno was Teenage pregnancy but I believe the director did a great job by dealing with the issue. This movie is also education it teaches people about pregnancy. Some people may Juno is not a good movie because it use many sexual activity jokes. And it also encourages teenage to have sex and pregnancy but how ever some people may say Juno is a movie that every teenager should watch, because it talks about pregnancy.

My first reason for saying Juno is a good movie because it tells teenagers it's best to stay friends. It would be better off staying friends so you won’t attempt to have sex and have a baby like Juno had a baby young age. I think it's best to stay friends so you won’t catch feelings and so you won’t get sexual activity at a young age. 

Another reason for saying Juno is a good movie for teens because it tells teenagers that hormones can get the best out of us. When you get hormones and get sexual activity you can have a baby. I Think if your hormones get to you, you would be sexual activity your whole life. And it would be a chance for you to have a lot of babies.

My last reason for saying Juno is a good movie because one mistake can change your life. If you do one bad thing you can mess up your life. That’s why teens should watch this movie so they can make sure that this one mistake won’t mess up your life.

Some people may Juno is not a good movie because it use many sexual activity jokes. And it also encourage teenage to have sex and pregnancy especially when Bleacher’s friend finds that Juno was having a baby and he says “he is going to raise his sperm count”. Juno is a good movie that every teenager should watch about teenager’s pregnancy and every teenage are suppose to know about it. Watching Juno shows you that one mistake can change your life, it tells teenager humors can get the best out of us, and shows you that’s it's better off staying friends. Do you think Juno is a good or bad movie for teenagers to watch?

The author's comments:

i put alot of work in this.Hope you like it


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