Avatar | Teen Ink


March 3, 2016
By paige160 GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
paige160 GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When the makers of Avatar thought of how they would make the movie, they must have had the saying “attention to detail” in mind. Avatar, written by James Cameron, was an amazing movie with action, an intently thought out plot, and beautiful details that changed my outlook on how brilliantly made a movie can be. A lot of work went into the making of the movie and I know it paid off.


The animation process was a new way to get a vivid image and I believe they accomplished that. It wasn’t just animation, the actors had to preform almost everything that happened in the movie. Wearing tight suits that read and transferred the actors’ facial movement and body gestures to the animation of the Avatars, the actors acted out the stunts, the heartfelt parts, and pretty much all of the amazing visuals you see in the movie. These suits added a lot to how realistic the movie was, because the actions were real. Beauty of the planet Pandora was another attribute that added to the reality of the movie.


Pandora’s alluring plant life, animal life, and Na’vi people give a sense of congruence through nature. There wasn’t just vivid detail in the animation, there was detail in the way everything was put together. It was all put there for a reason, and it made sense to the facts we know today. For instance, the plants on Pandora are much bigger because there is very little oxygen there. That still makes sense to the science we have today and the whole movie uses that same complex thinking.



Jake, the protaganist, has amazing qualities with these 9 foot tall, blue “aliens” called avatars. The avatars look like the Na’vi people to make the “Sky People”, or the Na’vi’s term for aliens, more trustworthy. The details relate to the setting and the time as well. Avatar takes place in the future year 2154 which offers lots of ideas on technology advancement. James Cameron really delivered on this aspect with huge robots worked by humans’ actions (AMP), the advanced bed that transports Jake’s mind into the avatar, and a whole lot more technology advancements.


Along with futuristic technology, they also have a futuristic desire for a mineral called unobtanium. This mineral is very valuable and it is the reason for the military being there and it is necessary for their survival. The necessity for the mineral seems to make so much sense in the future which makes Avatar that more believable. On the other hand, the scientists are there to learn about Pandora as well as its’ people. Jake has to explore with the scientists to learn about the wonders of Pandora and its people.


Avatar had an effect on me like no other movie has. I felt like I was in the movie, living it with the people, the plants, and the animals. It made me anxious, devastated, relieved, elated, and feelings I can’t explain. This movie put me in a whole new world,  and I experience it every time I watch the movie. Avatar wasn’t just a movie to me, it was an inspiring masterpiece that captivated me until the very end.


The brilliant plot, technology, and setting help this movie be one of the best grossing movies of all time. Action, connectedness, and emotion made this alternate reality seem so real and so close. With all of this tied together, this is a movie worth watching and a movie worth the feelings. So when I think about “attention to detail,” I always remember this masterpiece of a movie.


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