The Greatest Showman | Teen Ink

The Greatest Showman

May 16, 2018
By Anonymous

Although the screen adaption of the life of P. T. Barnum is not entirely true, Hollywood has thrown in flashy dance numbers, impressive costumes, and unforgettable lyrics that will have you focusing on the theatrical aspect rather than the inaccuracy of the movie from the real life of P.T. Barnum. Besides that small fact, The Greatest Showman is an incredible movie!


The 'show' begins with the young P. T. Barnum imagining his life as a showman. It then works its way into telling of the blooming love story between the young Barnum and the young Charity, who when they grow older becomes Barnum's wife. The movie continues to tell of the life of P.T. Barnum (Hugh Jackman) who continuously is trying to provide the best life for his wife (Michelle Williams) and his two daughters (Austyn Johnson and Cameron Seely). It adds conflict as Barnum faces the ups and downs of becoming a businessman and how to overcome the reviews by those who disapprove of your show. P.T Barnum later becomes partners with Phillip Carlyle (Zac Efron) who watches and tries to help Barnum run the show while Carlyle deals with the possibility of a growing relationship with one of the "circus freaks" Anne Wheeler (Zendaya). The plot continues throughout many musical numbers ranging from high energy and over the top dance numbers such as "The Greatest Show" and "This is Me" to slow songs like "Never Enough" that will make you cry.


All of the actors in the movie were incredible! The movie was perfectly cast, and even though many actors had already been in a recognizable musical production or movie, they seemed to completely embody the characters they were playing in The Greatest Showman. The only character I thought could be taken to a different level was the character of Jenny Lind, who played one of Barnum's 'acts'. Jenny Lind had the very calm personality that became boring until she came to life onstage. Other than that, the movie completely captivated me to the point where I wanted to watch more when the movie ended.


I loved the musical number filled story! It was over the top and reminded me exactly of a circus "freak show". The costumes were so colorful and very accurate to the time while still maintaining a sense of modern style that will keep the audience interested. There's almost an art to the choreography as well. The music, the dancing, and the singing all come together to create an amazing and impactful movie. All together the technical aspect of the show compliments the fantastic singing and acting.



This musical number filled movie relates to many live theater experiences of many people finally finding others that they can relate to. The story conveys that being different or out-of-place means that you will fit in, maybe not with the crowd you imagined, but something great will bring everyone together.

People of all ages and background will enjoy this movie. I can’t imagine people not enjoying this movie because between the drama filled plot or the incredible songs, there's

something for everyone to love. The MPAA of The Greatest Showman is PG. This movie was amazing and even though the movie may have ended, the show has just begun!


Rating: 4 hats of out of 5

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