Ice Age | Teen Ink

Ice Age

May 22, 2018
By MovieReviewer_18 ELITE, Short Hills, New Jersey
MovieReviewer_18 ELITE, Short Hills, New Jersey
678 articles 0 photos 8 comments

 Ice Age is a charming movie using somewhat historial facts about the ice age to depict a story about three unlikely friends and their adventure. Manny, a Wooly Mammoth, is one of the last of his species and tends to be very moody. Sid, a sloth, who was abandoned by his family, is goofy, lacks common sense and social cues, and enjoyable to watch. Diego, a saber-toothed tiger, is a fierce predator, and highly respected in his pack. These three animals work together when they find a human baby, who is the son to the leader of a human tribe. Diego has been sent by the Alpha of his pack to bring back the baby alive, Sid feels a weird connection to save the baby, and Manny has a feeling that he needs to protect the baby from Diego. Together, the trio attempt to deliver the baby back to his family. 

 This movie is charismatic, delightful, and a true classic. Although the movie is not as creative or originative as Toy Story, or as well-known as Shrek, this movie has a special feeling to it, and is a great animated film. While the winter continues to bear on and get colder, Diego, Sid, and Manny march through on a mission and they create an astonishing movie for anyone and everyone. 

The author's comments:

An unlikely trio must work together to save a baby. 


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