Upside Down By Jack Johnson | Teen Ink

Upside Down By Jack Johnson

April 29, 2024
By Anonymous

When I hear “Upside Down”, I can still picture sitting in front of the TV on Saturday morning watching Curious George. Jack Johnson might not be a name that you recognize right away. He doesn't have a lot of current popular songs, and his genre is going out of style with all the new pop and rap in the world today. But Johnson has probably impacted your childhood—that you might have forgotten about. 

The song is connected with the movie because in the movie, the main character Ted, is on a expedition at the start, and he is made fun of for his full yellow outfit. In spite of this, the man in the yellow hat embraces it and accepts it for who he is, instead of letting other people determine what he should wear. This connects back to the lyrics in the song. 

And the lyrics are seriously deep for a song made about a kids movie: “Who’s to say, I can’t do everything, well I can try”. The song is trying to say that you should never let someone else tell you what you can and can’t do. ‘Upside down’ has a great theme that runs throughout the entire song. This song radiates optimism and positivity. It is a great song for all ages. Even the first lyrics of this song reinforce the theme throughout the whole song: “Who’s to say, what’s impossible, well they forgot”. The song is constantly saying to not let other people tell you what to do. 

Not a lot of songs have the power to be able to bring you back to a moment from your childhood, but this song does. The simplistic guitar chords laced with the silky smooth voice of jack johnson creates a calming, nostalgic vibe. All of the instruments come together in the chorus to create a surprisingly upbeat track. The mix of percussion and stringed instruments works perfectly to create a soothing listen that is not overpowering. Johnson's voice goes perfectly with the guitar and simplistic drums—and is easy to sing along with. 

If you are ever having a bad day, if you just got fired from your job, or if you just got a F on a really big test, consider giving this song a listen. 

The author's comments:

I Am a Junior in High-school and this song is the best.

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