The Eastside Boyz | Teen Ink

The Eastside Boyz

January 31, 2008
By Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
1044 articles 0 photos 1 comment

The Eastside Boyz are one of my favorite bands or rap people. I have just heard of them the last couple of years but they are at the top of my list for favorites. They have many good CDs like “Crunk Juice”, “What You Gon' Do”. They are really good at rapping and it all sounds good. One thing I like about them that some people don't is that they don't care what they say at all. The thing why people don't like them is that they swear a lot and some people don't like songs that swear. I think that its fine if you swear in yours songs, because its your song and you can do that you want.

If you like songs that rap then this is the group to listen to. They also have Lil Jon in some of their songs to make it even better. I think that more people should hear about the Eastside Boyz and they will like what they hear. They will be fans or like them like I do.


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