Benefits of Attending Summer Camp | Teen Ink

Benefits of Attending Summer Camp MAG

September 20, 2018
By christinab4321 BRONZE, Auburn, New York
christinab4321 BRONZE, Auburn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


’ve traveled to a summer camp for 10 years and it has impacted my life greatly. The summer camp I attended became my second home. It changed me for the better and taught me skills to make a positive difference in the world. I learned to make friends, have fun, and to get outdoors!

My favorite summer was when I became an L.I.T. (leader in training). I went through training with a group of friends where we all learned how to be better leaders. We did team activities where we’d have to figure out problems together. One activity was called the portal. The portal was basically a tire hung from a tree with a water bottle on top. We each had to pass safely through the tire without knocking over the water bottle. It took many tries but with teamwork and good communication we finally got it. Toward the end of the training we went on an 18-mile canoe trip. It poured, we ran out of food, and our campsite was on a hill. As a team, we overcame our challenges, and the experience made us stronger.

Becoming a leader at camp taught me many things. It taught me how to patient and fair. It taught me how to use good communication skills when working in a group. I learned to keep going no matter what and that you’ll eventually get through whatever challenge you face. I also learned how to easily make friends and start conversations. Before this program I was extremely shy; camp helped me come out of my shell and be who I truly am. Without this program I would still be horrified to start conversations and would lack basic people skills.

Summer camp has made me who I am today. Throughout 10 summers, I’ve learned so many new things and explored unique activities. Counselors showed me how to be myself and how to also have fun. I learned how to build and start fires. This is useful for when I go camping with family or friends. I also learned the sport of archery. When I first went to camp I was afraid to kayak due to bugs on the boats. After facing my fears, I learned how much fun boating can be. My favorite thing I learned was how to sail. I love sailing – the breeze is so nice, and it’s fun to get out on the lake, jump off the boat, and just swim around.

I’m forever thankful for Camp Y-Owasco. It has truly helped me along my journey in life and shown me how much fun life can be. F

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