The Last Man Standing | Teen Ink

The Last Man Standing

January 8, 2015
By Anthony Mandravellos BRONZE, Coconut Creek, Florida
Anthony Mandravellos BRONZE, Coconut Creek, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

If you’re a man and have ever wondered what living in a house with all women is like, I suggest you watch the tv series, The Last Man Standing. A husband living with his wife and three daughters, only so much can happen. I didn’t think living with all women was that bad, until I saw this tv show.

Living in a house with all women is not what you think it’s like. When no one else makes money in the family it’s a possibility that you could be tight on money, but not Mike Baxter. As the co-owner of an outdoor superstore, The Outdoor Man, Mike not only supports his family and their needs but also to be able to afford luxuries such as multiple expensive cars and a huge mansion. With no one else in the family who has a job mike sure does a good job of raising his family! Mike has to continuously spend money on his daughters and his wife simply because none of them make their own money. Only one of them is on the track to go to college and she’s fifteen.  He has raised the most expensive children I have seen in my entire life. My kids are definitely going to go to college and get a job.

Mike has to do everything, even at work. As the other co-owner of the Outdoor Man Ed Alzate feels like he is the boss and directs everyone to do things for him. Therefore, Mike has to do all of the work, literally all of the work. He even brings his girl friend to work who tells Ed that he is the boss and he should give his workers orders. Mike and Ed have been partners for twenty eight years and have created a rule, no loved ones allowed at work. Ed does not realize that this rule has been broken. Since Mike does everything at work, it has to be done his way and that is the right way. Which is funny because he’s like at home. For instance, the Baxter’s must seventy five watt light bulbs. I guess that’s what happens when you make all the mney in the family. Mike Baxter is a very hard working man and exceeds the limit of supporting himself and his family.

Mike has created an environment at home in which he is king and rules everyone except  at work.Mike works his tail off to support a happy family and does his best at work to keep everyone together. Although, Mike lives in house with all women, those women love him and that’s most important.

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