Modern Warfare Review | Teen Ink

Modern Warfare Review

December 17, 2019
By cz20 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
cz20 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I play video games on PC or Xbox and there both parts of my gaming setup. I like to play open world and shooter games like Call Of Duty or Grand Theft Auto.

So when I first launched Modern Warfare by infinity ward on my computer, I had a bad first start. The game would not work and could not get on any online servers. I was disappointed but I knew that hundreds of thousands people were all trying to get on the servers at the same time. I couldn't blame them because of that.

The next day, I knew I could never blame them for that because the quality and excitement of the game changed all first thoughts. The graphics were amazing, and the game modes were different as the other Call Of Duty games. I liked how they brought the game back from a classic.

I can play for hours on end and not get bored because this game keeps me intrigued by the war feel in video games. The rankups were so smooth and weapons were amazing. Although some weapons could use some work because a few of them were a little overpowered. A few maps needs some fixing like some of the glitches. The new game modes were a good future because we can try new game modes for future games.

After playing this game for a while, I started to get annoyed by the loud footsteps that the players would have so everyone can hear you. Players will just sit and camp in corners of buildings because of this problem. Personally, I assert Activision to turn down the volume down for footsteps because, when I enter a building I can't get demolished. I can't always just fight someone one to one because I get killed from a camper. This is alright though because not everyone will do this in the game.

Keeping up with updates and good service, I believe my money was well spent on the people that created this game. The great community on the servers keep the game running well because without a good community, people could just ruin the experience. After finding new strategies to stay alive, Modern Warfare gets better every time I play.

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