Dark Souls 2 on PlayStation3/Xbox/Pc | Teen Ink

Dark Souls 2 on PlayStation3/Xbox/Pc

April 21, 2014
By FluffyKittys BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
FluffyKittys BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Starting out as the undead faced man in their horrible armor, trying to progress on, but is very difficult to do. But when someone gets to that point they will be able to change the way the character looks, the type of class people want it to be, and the type of skills they want to upgrade. When people often get further into the game they will be able to get better armor and weapons. Which is very useful to fitting other people in the game. But it can also be bad because more players will want to try to kill them.

The first five minutes is a cut scene , when the cutscene shows it will tell the players what is going on in the land of the drangelic, and will help them see what is going on in the game. But then when the cutscene is over, it will spawn them in a little circular thing in the middle of nowhere. But then they will stumble upon a house that has 3 wicked ancient ladies and a maid, the maid pretty much just help them get around.The reason they are there is because they give the people the option to pick there character and choose the way they look. Then will give the character playing 8 different starting classes, They are the Warrior, the Knight, the Swordsman, the Bandit, the Cleric, the sorcerer, the Explorer, and the Deprived which to be honest the Deprived sucks. If somebody is just starting the game and they have never played before they will probably want to pick either the Warrior or the Knight. Because people that have played the game before often try to get new people to use it first. But then again it is there is a choice for who they want to pick. Some people may love this game because of how big the world is and how much things they can do. So they may like this game and/or they will find it pretty cool. But if people do like this game, be wary of the storyline. It may take about 50-70 hours of playing and the amount of times some people die may even make the game longer. But as for I, I have played this game for about 70 hours since it came out and I still haven't got bored of it because I am very addicted to this game.One of the best games I have ever played.

Another great way to do this is to talk about the pvping, which is also called player vs. player. If people like to player vs. player then most of them will most likely love this game, but if some people hate to player vs. player then they will most likely hate this part of the game. I absolutely love to pvp in this game because it is very fun and has a-lot of action and magic involved... But I hate magic so yeah. But if people want to player vs player people they will have to look for either a red summon sign or a dragon summon sign, they will both most likely be on the ground in a great place to pvp. But then if they want to try to get people to summon them, they will have go to the evil midget and talk to him, but first he wants want to make sure they have beat some one in a player vs player battle. So if they haven't done that make sure they do that eventually.. Of course. People can also join this person’s covenant and the people playing will be in a pvping guild. If people pvp other people a-lot and win them they can go back to the evil midget guy and talk to him, then people can offer him some type of coin and if they give him enough coins they will be able to strengthen your covenant. When people do that the midget will give them better things each time they upgrade towards there guild.
But here is the main focus, which is the types of pvpers there are 4 the new people , the nice people, the mean people, and then me. First off is the new people, they are the people that don’t know what they are doing really and are very new to the game but if they are not good at the game I think whoever is pvping them should be nice and let them win so you can make them feel proud about themselves . Next is the fair people, they are the people that don’t use over powered weapons or armor. They usually give the fair fights which means they don’t one hit kill people and give a fun fair fight. Then comes the bullies of the game, which are also called the gankers. These are the type of players where they use the overpowered magic, weapons, dark magic and armor. Most people call them gankers. Because they just want to think that they are good at the game. They also don’t give anyone a chance to hit them back. Most of the people have full dexterity and endurance so they can hit the person going against them like 100 times. But they will be dead before that so they are very bad, and or think they are really good at the game but they really aren't . Then comes like me, if someone ever wants to challenge me, they will have to find me somewhere in the world of the dragleic lands and can try to pvp (Player vs. Player) me. But most people think I am very good at the game, from what my friends have said, but really I know i’m not that good compared to other people that pvp. But we can test it, I am very fair to and I usually don’t go “try hard”.

While playing this game people will discover a-lot of built up rage inside of them..
It will eventually burst out at the wrong time and they will yell and scream at the TV but they will get over it. If I was that person I would try to keep there cool so they don’t get in trouble. The reason people get mad at this game all the time is because there is a-lot of dieing involved and even some of the pvping involved. I get really mad when I die but I try to hold it in and stay calm on the outside so I don’t get myself in trouble. Mainly the bosses in this game are a-lot harder than bosses in other games, mostly because this game was made to make people have fun and even make people very mad. But if they need help to kill some of the bosses or maybe even all the bosses summon a random player. The random players have white summon sign not red like the pvping summon signs. Summoning players is very helpful to kill bosses, because some are very good and some are very bad. But on the plus side a lot of the people you play with are pretty good at the game. The reviews on this game are usually/roughly 8/10 to 9.5/10

This game will bring players threw a journey of death and rage but I still think that they will still like it even if they ever do rage. They will get over it and become better at the game and won’t have to rely on help .It is rated T for Teens, But the first two were rated M for Mature. I rate this game a 10 out of 10. But threw out all of this I hope they stay as quiet as the sleeping undead dragon.

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on Apr. 23 2015 at 12:15 pm
ConnorWritesStuff BRONZE, Loveland, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
Just because you started out bad doesn't mean you have to end horrible.

Good review, but the grammar wasn't the greatest, the transitions weren't smooth, and there should have been more detail, keep it up though.