Love Chronicles of The Blue Eyed Girl Part 1 | Teen Ink

Love Chronicles of The Blue Eyed Girl Part 1

April 8, 2010
By Anonymous

I could feel his eyes on me. Why didn't he just ask me out already? Everyone said he liked me. I hoped they were still right. I just had to go through the list of signs he had showed that he liked me that would keep me going.

(1) At the lock-in for my church, he asked my mom if I had come with.
(2)He talked to me more than anyone and always asked if I was going for free pie after Youth Group.
(3)When no one else stayed awake with me on the five hour ride back from the retreat to Indiana, he stayed up and listened to what I had to say and talked to me
(3)During that very ride back, he told me the guy that didn't like me back because I wasn't cute enough had definitely missed out.
(4)He gave me a hug at a concert because the dj told everyone to hug 50 people.
(5)When I couldn't get my necklace on, he offered to help(oh how I wish I hadn't refused)
(6)He always is sitting somewhat close to me
(7) (This one's kind of girly to mention)He showed me his muscles ;)

If I kept all that in mind, I'd remember that he would ask me out at some point. Maybe he just respects my mom's decision. But, who was I kidding. He even told me he went behind one girl's parent's backs. Why wouldn't he do it for mine. Usually it was about the time I started thinking this that I thought about all the bad things.

(1)I barely know him. Why would he want to date me?
(2)He probably just flirts to make me happy because he already knows I like him.
(3)He gets a new girlfriend every few weeks(most likely)Why would I be different than all those girls?

But, I couldn't think those thought. He was all I had to hold on to. If I lost him..........

That was another thing I couldn't think about. I loved him too much.

The author's comments:
The Love Chronicles of The Blue Eyed Girl is a true story about my love life and the choices I make involving it. So if you have any advice, please give it.

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This article has 1 comment.

ssssss BRONZE said...
on May. 8 2010 at 12:56 am
ssssss BRONZE, Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 28 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you love something, let it go, if it comes back to you it's yours, if it doesn't, it never was.

I'm really sorry! I re-read this after writing it and realized it was really bad. My other stories are better.