My Second Crush | Teen Ink

My Second Crush

March 18, 2016
By EmilyZhang BRONZE, Irvine, California
EmilyZhang BRONZE, Irvine, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My Second Crush
    “Tomorrow is Sports Day, I’m so excited! ” My deskmate yelled  loudly that everyone could hear him. “ Me, too. I was looking forward for the next two days for a long time.” Sports Day is the best time to date, rest, and fell in love. My friend and I were voluntaries in different groups to help the  competitors. I was in the sit-up competition. My job was to number the contestants and hold their feet. On that day, I stayed in the competition area. The male competitors in my grade began walk inside. They lay down on the mat. The guy in front of me was a short and thin boy, he was talking with a real tall and strong guy next to him. The referee blew the whistle and the  competition started. I noticed the tall guy next to me: His black hair and wheat-colored skin are suitable, his eyes were half open because of the strong sunshine. I could see his healthy body shape behind his white T-shirt; a low voice came out from his mouth, his speed was obviously faster than others. I was immersed in my world, even I forget count the boy in front me. The shrill whistle sound broke my thought. “He got number one.” I told my friend. “ Who?” My friend asked. “He!” I pointed at him and winked at my friend. “ I think I fell in love with him.” I said. “What?!” She shouted.
      I stood behind the tree peeking at him. I hid among the crowd and watched him. I sat in the bus station and pretended I was waiting for the bus just to see him for a while. I really don’t understand why my friend said I was a crazy stalker. I just followed my heart and really want him to notice me. I thought one day I would become his girlfriend and he would hold my hand in front of everyone. “ Did he look at me today? ” I asked my friend. “No, you think too much.” She replied. “Why he talked with a girl, are they lovers?” I asked my friend the next day. “ No… ” I knew she didn’t want to answer me, but I couldn’t stop, because I liked him. “ You should talk with him. ” “ Uh… I don’t dare.” I whispered. “Don’t be frightened. ” Everyone is frightened when they are in love, I responded in my mind. I felt disappointed, hesitant, and anxious. Unfortunately, all of these are only about me. My friend said a crush is just for one person. She’s right, all of these feelings are self- sentimental.
    “ We are late, hurry up, everyone already went downstairs!” My friend rushed me. I packed my bag and went out of the classroom. “Who the f*** do you think you are!” I heard that from the end of the hall. Two boys were fighting next to the girl’s restroom. One of them dragged another one’s uniform and carried his one leg, another one clutched his neck and tried to punch him. They twisted together and fell down on the ground, and they still hitting each other. A few girls stood around and they wanted to stop them, but they were afraid they would get hurt. “It’s he.” I whispered. My friend dragged me, “ Let's go, we are late, It’s not our business.” I didn’t move and still continues to watch them. He sat on the ground and grabbed the other boy’s clothes and dragged him to other side, he stood up and held the boy’s shoulder and used his knee to hit the boy’s back. “What the f*** are you doing?!!” A teacher shouted loudly and scared me. My friend held my hand and pulled me toward the stairs. “ Don’t push me, I wonder what’s going on.” I whispered. “Don’t let the teacher know we are still upstairs.” “ O.K...Let’s go… Do you think he was real handsome just now?” I asked. “Enough, he is terrible.” I shot up and kept going. “ H is bilious and irritable.” she repeated again. “ He is so naughty, he has a bad temperament.” “ Stop, everything about him is great in my heart.” I retorted. “Well, never mind.” she answered and went ahead along.
       “Why I can’t find his Wechat and QQ?” I asked myself. I already spent a couple weeks trying to find his contact. I asked my friend to inquire about his Wechat, she said “OK.” with reluctance, but I knew she just worried about me. I saw her went to his classroom and ask a girl who was in the same class. I was a little bit excited. If I got his Wechat, it’s the only way I get to know him. I waited and waited, eventually she came back. I hid behind the door because I didn’t want the girl to notice me. “ Hahaha, you know what?  he doesn’t have Wechat, but I got his QQ.’’ “ It’s so weird, how can a person live without using Wechat.” I asked. “By the way, the girl told me he was the worst boy in his class, you’d better stop digging him.” I didn’t say anything and went back to my seat. Maybe she’s right, I thought.
      “Do you know xxx beat up a boy who is not in our school.” I sat next to a group of people and heard his name clearly. “ See? I told you he has a real bad reputation at school.” My friend said quietly. I didn’t say anything and lowered my head and continue to play on my phone. Maybe she’s right, I thought, actually I didn’t know him very well. I didn’t know his birthday, I didn’t know if he has a secret girlfriend. I didn’t know his interests, hobbies,I even didn’t know his real personality. “ I  think I should give up” I whistled. “ You ought to give up already, don’t think too much and listen to me, he is not a good choice.” she retorted  peacefully. Don’t think too much? ? It’s my crush, how can I not think too much? Everything I think about related to him. When he speaks, laughs, runs even when he does anything that can affect me, I can’t give up just because you don’t want me to think too much, but I knew he is a horrible boy, I saw how he harmed other people and how other people describe him. My friend was right, I should give up, my crush never has answered, I’d rather never know the answer.

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A girl's love secret in middle school

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