School Lunch | Teen Ink

School Lunch

September 30, 2014
By Anonymous

Most of the 8th graders say that, “The food at school shouldn’t be processed.” They say that they want real food that isn’t processed. They believe that processed food is unhealthy and isn’t very good. They would like to have a talk with someone to see if they can make some changes.

    They would like to talk to more people to see what they can do to help. They are trying to get more and more people to help with anything. Many of the 8th graders would love to see some changes in the school lunches. They believe that it wouldn’t cost that much either.

    The 8th graders may need some help like when they start a potion about how good or how bad the school lunch is. Many 8th graders don’t really eat the schools lunch they just eat from the al-cart. That is all that people would like to say and they just want some changes. They would love to see some changes happen please.

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