Why do you love them so much | Teen Ink

Why do you love them so much

November 19, 2020
By Letha1013 BRONZE, Springboro, Pennsylvania
Letha1013 BRONZE, Springboro, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I love them so much

because they show how the world

isn't always going to be happy.

I love them so much

because the sky is crying

and we aren't doing anything about it.

I love them so much

because when it screams

children get scared but don't understand.

I love them so much

because when she starts punching

we find it fun to watch.

I love them so much

because the world is saying

something is wrong and we just sit there.

I love them so much

because it is telling us as humans

that it is okay

to not be happy all the time.

The author's comments:

This peice is about how mother nature is feeling and what she does in a thunderstorm. 

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