Socializing | Teen Ink


February 2, 2024
By gn_ BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
gn_ BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Socializing is easy. 

It goes smoothly,

Bridges and bonds are created while

You live in the moment. 

You are not in the pit. 

However what you don’t see 

Is all the moments of doubt,

The moments of 




You tell me I need to have friends 

Or I will be lonely forever.  

They are important

And unique. 

But you do not understand the pit 

Of emotion they can bring with them. 

Feel yourself being dragged further into the pit as you stare--

Stare at the whirlpool that leads into a void of dark anxiety. 

The voice in the darkness beckoning 

You to go there, to do that. 

The wildfire, burning away all the peace you know.

You must realize that you more than likely won’t get out. 

Understand you can reach out your hand,

But there will be no one to take it. 

Feel the spark of emotion as you stare

At the single star in a raging sky. 

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece first for a school project. I decided to submit this just because I wanted to do something with it. I wrote it mostly to give people a more realistic version of what socializing can be like for some people. When someone tells you to go talk to someone, it may be harder than it looks. Thanks for reading my piece!

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