wait til i get my grades right | Teen Ink

wait til i get my grades right

October 16, 2007
By Anonymous

by: stephon l. & larrence l.

Both:la la la la wait til i get my grades right,
la la la la cause ima be studyin all night,
excuse me is you sayin something,
mhh hmm cause ima be studyin x3.

voice 1: i just got some A's,
now im bout to buy me some brand new J's,
F's is like Jordan, dey nuthin but fadeaways,
no mo gettin things on layaway,
that aint ballin, my grades go up while yall fallin,
they call me student athlete,
im gettin good grades while teams feelin defeat,
im multi taskin G,
im ballin, studyin, and makin poetry,
someone said they were the mike jordan of the school,
but when it comes to the grades, im lebron james.

both:la la la la wait til i get my grades right,
la la la la cause ima be studyin all night,
excuse me is you sayin something,
mhh hmm cause ima be studyin x3.

voice2: i got me and larrence on the track,
our grades are so wack,
i'm bout to show you how we speak poetry for that,
my future is my grades,
right now they fallin down the drain,
no mo ballin for me,
cause my grades so weak,
i need God to strenghten me,
i need a upgrade from f's to a's,
momma wont buy me no brand new j's, cause my grades,
but thats ok, cause im tryna go to college someday.

both:la la la la wait til i get my grades right,
la la la la cause ima be studyin all night,
excuse me is you sayin something,
mhh hmm cause ima be studyin x3.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Sep. 17 2010 at 10:50 pm
BekkahsLoopy GOLD, San Jose, California
10 articles 4 photos 32 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Keep looking forward; don&#039;t look back.&quot;<br /> &quot;To the world, you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.&quot;

sorry, that was meant to be 5/5 stars. good job!